A gospel-centered, Bible-teaching church, where the
historic faith in Jesus Christ intersects with today's culture.
“…the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.”
1 Timothy 3:15
1 Timothy 3:15
Truth is not irrelevant, but a vital aspect of our faith. We believe truth to be fully revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. We embrace the coherent, historic, Christian faith that flows from the authority of the Bible, and has been handed down since the early days of the church. We believe this faith is faithfully reflected in the orthodox creeds of the Church, including the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed, as well as the summary of biblical truth found in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
"For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.”
Psalm 86:5
Psalm 86:5
God's goodness and grace is central to everything we do. We are driven to praise God for His cosmic rescue plan to save a people for Himself and redeem the world. Jesus, the eternal God, became human, lived perfectly, died willingly, and is raised to life in glory. His death and resurrection guarantees our inheritance of everlasting life when we are united to Him in faith. Therefore, we find our identity in God's goodness and not in our religious performance.
"Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.
Psalm 96:6
Psalm 96:6
Beauty is God's gift to us and it reflects the glorious future that awaits all of God’s people in heaven. We strive to worship and express our faith in beautiful, God-honoring ways. Through the drama of the liturgy we rehearse the story of our fall and God's gracious plan of our redemption every Sunday. Through music, both ancient and modern, we sing of the beauty of our salvation in Jesus. It is our goal in all we do, to express the complexity and experiential nature of our faith in artistic ways.
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Plant Journey
Follow Our Church
Plant Journey
Subscribe to our podcast titled “Church Plant.”
Mike, Chris, and others on the team recount the real-life, real-time story of starting this new church on the south side of Indianapolis.
Mike, Chris, and others on the team recount the real-life, real-time story of starting this new church on the south side of Indianapolis.
Subscribe to our podcast titled “Church Plant.”
Mike, Chris, and others on the team recount the real-life, real-time story of starting this new church on the south side of Indianapolis.
Mike, Chris, and others on the team recount the real-life, real-time story of starting this new church on the south side of Indianapolis.

Coming Soon...
Time and Location
Worship Service:
Sunday Mornings @ 10am
Meeting at:
V.O. Isom Central Elementary
50 E. Broadway Street
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
Sunday Mornings @ 10am
Meeting at:
V.O. Isom Central Elementary
50 E. Broadway Street
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
Worship Service:
Sunday Mornings @ 10am
Meeting at:
V.O. Isom Central Elementary
50 E. Broadway Street
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
Sunday Mornings @ 10am
Meeting at:
V.O. Isom Central Elementary
50 E. Broadway Street
Greenwood, Indiana 46142