Sundays at 10:30am

...equip the saints for the work of ministry.

Ephesians 4:11-12

The work of the church is not reserved for pastors and church leaders. Rather, pastors and teachers have been given to the church to equip believers to do the work of ministry in the world. Each person has been given gifts to use in order to strengthen the church and bless those around them. Through this, we find great joy as we use our gifts for the Kingdom of God.


Use your unique gifts to help build a community.

A church is a community that God brings together. But as God does this work, we respond by showing genuine love for those He has brought into our midst. It's not rocket science! At The Fields, you can serve simply by being friendly and helping others to connect.

Ways you can help:

- Be a Campus Guide
- Join the Cafe Team
- Help with Set-up and Tear-down


Planting and watering seeds to bring people to maturity in Christ.

Whether it's with your spouse, kids, friends, or family, helping others to grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus is something that we are all called to do in one way or another. This is the central mission of the church (Matt. 28:18-20) and God has uniquely gifted each of us to help. There are a lot of ways you can get involved:

- Discussion Group Leader
- Kids Ministry Teacher or Helper
- Childcare Worker
- Host a "Gospel In The Heart" study in your home


Love the community around us.

Christians are not just called to love their church family, but they are also called to love the world around them, and that begins right in their own community. God has blessed us so much, but that blessing is not just for ourselves. We've been blessed to be a blessing, bringing the light of Christ and the beauty of the gospel to those around us. Here are a few ways you can help:

- Host Patio Parties in your neighborhood.
- Offer ministry of mercy to those in need.
- Serve as a vocalist, musician, or technician for worship.
- Use your artistic gifts (fine arts, writing, music) to express your trust in Jesus.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I get started?

The best way to get started with serving at The Fields is to fill out our Serve Form. A member of our team will contact you soon to talk about how we can help you use your gifts for the Kingdom.

How do I serve with kids?

Serving in Fields Pres Kids is a great way to pass your faith on to the next generation. All volunteers with Fields Pres Kids will be required to do a background check for the safety and security of our families.

How do I serve with music?

Using musical gifts to serve the church is a great way to bless others. You don't have to be a rock star or a piano aficionado to serve on our music team. In fact, if you've got a sense for rhythm and a desire to play, we'd love to talk to you about it. 

How do I serve my neighborhood?

Serving your neighborhood can feel intimidating, but we want to help! Fill out our Serve Form and a member of our team will contact you will ideas and resources to help get you started.

Questions about serving?

We'd love to clarify volunteering requirements and answer your questions.