Sundays at 10:30am

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

2 Peter 3:18

God loves us just as we are; but He doesn't leave us just as we are.  
God's plan for each of His children is that they will become more and more like His Son, Jesus Christ.  The Lord uses His Word and the church community to grow us in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

What is "At Home?"

When you click on AT HOME on The Fields Pres App, you have access to our Bible reading plan, memory verses, music, and other resources to grow and challenge you and your family throughout the week.

Access our weekly AT HOME Discipleship Tool
on The Fields Pres App.

Download the Fields Pres App

Worship At Home

Using AT HOME, you have access to scripture, music, prayers, and other resources to guide you and your family in worship throughout the week.

Access our weekly AT HOME Discipleship Tool on The Fields Pres App.

Listen to the Music

Check out the music that we'll be singing at The Fields this week on our weekly updated Spotify Playlist.  This is a great way to get familiar with the songs we'll be singing as well as a way to worship through song while you're on the go!
(Spotify subscription required.)


Belonging To The Church Family
Church Membership is not like being a member of a gym or club.  The Bible explains that every Christian serves an important purpose in the church.  We are all "members of one another."  (Romans 12:5)

Click below to get more information about the next Membership Class!

Bible Study Library

God's Word.  Anytime.

Throughout the year, we take time to study God's Word together in community through personal study, discussion, and teaching.  You can benefit from these studies anytime online!

In each study, you will have access to a detailed study guide and all of the recorded teachings.